FAQ: Jewish Group Tour to Trinidad & Tobago
Who comes on your trips? What is the age range? How religious is everyone?
Our trips are very diverse. Our last trips had travelers from more than 4 countries. For our young professionals’ trips, our age range is roughly 25 to 45, with most participants in the middle of that range at roughly 25 to 35. Most participants are affiliated in some way with the Jewish community, whether they identify as Reform, Conservative, Traditional or Conservadox.
What makes your trips different from your competitors?
First, our trips focus on small, local hotels and providers. We do not use “all-inclusive” resorts, as we believe that they are not the best way to experience the culture of our destinations and to benefit the local community, one of the goals of eco-tourism. Second, we strive to make our group trips affordable while including as many items as possible. You might find a cheaper trip, but you will find that most of the activities are optional and at added cost. We believe it is better value to include those items and facilitates our primary goals of giving you a fun experience in a group setting where you can meet new people.
Why Trinidad & Tobago?
Trinidad & Tobago are two striking English-speaking Caribbean islands boasting rich South American natural history with diverse and convergent human history all in one sensational adventure. They are often skipped bu North American tourists, due to their distance, as well as their lack of mass tourism appeal (no big cruise ship docks or all inclusive resorts). Futhermore, the lack of a developed eco-tourism sector means that visiting these natral gems are often an intimate affair, not shared with hordes of camera wielding tourists.
Do I have to do all the activities? Can I get a partial refund if I skip one of the activities?
We try to make our trips accessible for travelers of most abilities and encourage all travelers to fully participate in the activities unless a traveler is afraid of a particular activity or cannot participate due to a medical condition or ability level. However, if you do not want to do a particular activity, you can opt out for any reason. Because we make our best efforts to offer an alternative activity for opting out travelers for no additional cost, we cannot generally offer a partial refund for opting out travelers.
Do I need any vaccinations?
The CDC has a list of recommendations for travel to Trinidad & Tobago. Please visit their website: http://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/countries/Trinidad_Tobago/
What type of currency will I need?
Small US Dollars will suffice. You can exchange US dollars for Trini Dollars at stores and merchants. Don’t bother exchanging money but do bring small denominations for snacks, souvenirs, and gratuities.
What travel documentation will I need?
You will need a passport. Apply at your local post office. Don’t wait until the last minute as processing does take some time. Passports cost $80-100 not including the cost of two head shots which must be submitted with the application.
Tell me about the weather. Will it be hot?
Yes. It will be hot and humid, but delightful. It is the jungle!
Is there medical care nearby?
Yes, Port of Spain has two major hospitals.
Who will I be rooming with if I chose double-occupancy?
If you are joining the trip with someone you know, we will honor your requests to room together if you wish. If you are joining the trip by yourself, we will match you up with another same-sex traveler to share a room. If during the trip, you meet someone with whom you want to share a room with, we will try to honor your request at that time.
How much is airfare to Port of Spain? Can you help me choose my ticket?
Airfare to Port of Spain (POS) from major metropolitan areas in the U.S. is for June is roughly $500 to $700, however, that depends on your origin and travel dates. We advise travelers to check rates prior to booking a trip with us, however, you should not purchase your travel before the trip has been “called.” At that time, we would be glad to give you advice on which ticket to purchase.